Calm Your Mind: CBD for Stress Relief" "Soothe Your Soul: CBD's Relaxing Benefits" "Find Serenity: CBD for Stress Management" "Embrace Tranquility: CBD's Stress-Relieving Properties" "Ease Tension Naturally: CBD for Stress Reduction" "Relax and Unwind: CB

Does CBD really help Stress? Everything you need to know!

Occasional feelings of stress or overwhelming are a natural human occurrence and should not be taken lightly. Some extreme cases see those suffering from overwhelming thoughts disorder and frequently experiencing episodes of fear and panic about the unknown. This can trigger a panic attack or leave someone worrying aimlessly throughout the day, leading to restless nights as well. The good news though is that however severe your overwhelming thoughts, there are ways to beat it, and begin thinking clearly again! Talk to your doctor first- but naturally. using small doses of Cannabidoil can also potentially help calm your mind and kick those racy thoughts!

Stress is the #1 killer in the world, so finding ways through time management and thought management to be less stressed will not only help you live a happier life, but a longer one too! The same way that CBD works within the body to help overwhelming thoughts, it works immediately upon taking to help one feel relieved, calming stress. Over time, and as you take CBD nightly, your stress levels and receptors to stress will strengthen, making you more zen, naturally. Little things won’t bother you as much, you will have a peace shield that can’t be pierced. With proper dosage, you can live stress free, sleep like a baby, and manage pain all with one, all natural solution - CBD.

Stress Messes with Your Brain Chemistry.

In addition to damaging your body, chronic stress also rewires your brain. Stress hormones tell the brain to: “Focus, feel less and get ready.” Unfortunately, when this message is never turned off, your brain will make changes to tune out the message.

One in four Americans will suffer from an anxiety disorder during their lifetime — where feelings of dread, unpreparedness, and imminent danger recur more and more often, leading to racing thoughts and physical reactions. Where do these feelings come from?

Does CBD Oil really help ease overwhelming thoughts?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the hundreds of active ingredients found in cannabis plants and hemp plants alike. As mentioned before, ours comes from hemp, making it available throughout the country. Ours uses 0% THC, ensuring you cant get high or fail a drug test while ever using an Inflamade® product.

Cannabidiol has more than 65 targets throughout the body, meaning it really does work for a lot! But also tough to pinpoint where exactly it helps with stress and overwhelming thoughts. Studies currently suggest that CBD counters overwhelming thoughts by stimulating neurotransmitter systems and neural regeneration. Here’s the evidence:

CBD interacts with your CB1 and CB2 receptors within the body. These receptors are actually found everywhere in the body from the intestines to the brain. When interacting with the brain, it is thought that CBD can alter serotonin signals. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in mental health. People with low serotonin levels tend to have depression or overwhelming thoughts. Zoloft and Prozac are both prescribed for people with low serotonin levels.

Serotonin: Most people associate serotonin with happiness. But as with anything in the body, the role of this neurotransmitter is extremely complex, and its effects depend on where it is and what it binds to. Serotonin has at least 14 different receptors, but CBD specifically binds to 5-HT1A which is thought to have the strongest role in stress disorders.

We are finding the growing evidence that we have known for years now, CBD oil may help reduce symptoms of stress and overwhelming thoughts.

Beyond the mounting testimonials of individuals who successfully treat their overwhelming thoughts with CBD oil, there is also a growing body of scientific evidence that CBD works. Most research has been done in rodents. A recent review discusses 32 different rodent studies that tested CBD’s effects on anxiety — and only one didn’t see useful results.

For generalized stress disorder (GAD), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) says that CBD has been shown to reduce stress in animals such as rats.

In 2011, a study researched CBD’s effects on people with SAD. Participants were given an oral dose of 400 milligrams (mg) of CBD or a placebo. Those who received CBD experienced overall reduced overwhelming thoughts levels.

Multiple recent studies have shown that CBD can help with trauma symptoms, such as having nightmares and replaying negative memories. These studies have looked at CBD as both a standalone trauma treatment as well as a supplement to traditional treatments like medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

The anti-overwhelming thoughts effects of CBD oil were first investigated in animals in the 1970s and 1980s. Later studies in humans showed promising results.

In June 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first drug containing CBD for treatment of two rare forms of epilepsy.

How to Take CBD Oil for overwhelming thoughts.

First, know that it’s understood to be most effective when used regularly. This is known as the cumulative effect. Again, you’ll feel immediate effects shortly after taking a dose of CBD, but over time after using daily is when you feel the best! It is said that within 10 days to 2 weeks of daily use your body will start to reduce pain levels (which is how we got our name!)

During this time something magical happens, not only are you sleeping better and waking up well rested, but your response to stressors lowers and becomes less fragile, your stamina and athletic performance boosts, and you start feeling better all over. Your body is now beginning to heal itself after removing excess pain.

We recommend trying 5-10mg of pure CBD as a general dosage for stress / overwhelming thoughts. 

This can be enjoyed in the morning with coffee or by itself as a drop under the tongue! Sometimes, a few doses throughout the day is best for management. Everyone is different and responds differently as well, so, be mindful of where you are and how you feel after trying different mg doses!


The optimum dose of CBD oil is highly individualized.

How much CBD oil you take per day varies depending on the type and concentration of the CBD you’re using. The best dose of CBD oil for you will depend on your age, weight, medical condition, genetics, and the result you’d like to achieve. A few points to take into consideration when beginning CBD oil use include:

Consistent dosing. Don’t start small one day and jump to the maximum the next day, again keep mind how you feel after the first 5-10mg dose, and try another should it not help within a few minutes.

Build up your dosage slowly to give your body time to become accustomed to the effects.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get immediate results. Some have reported waiting two weeks before noticing positive results (as pain levels reduce.)

How Much CBD Oil Should I Take?

Standard Doses:

An adult’s dosage for mild overwhelming thoughts is usually maintained between 7 to 15 mg per dose. If you’ve had no experience with dosing CBD oil for overwhelming thoughts, it’s usually best to start with baby steps. For most, the best way to determine optimum dosage is to start slow and gradually increase upward over time until you feel symptoms abate. The lowest effective dose is usually best.

Be sure to read the label on your CBD oil bottle in order to calculate the dosage per ml or dosage per drop. You can always look at lab tests as well. Our droppers are 25mg per full dropper, we suggest 1/4 to 1/2 dropper fulls for calming effects and overwhelming thoughts.

Keep in mind, if you’re starting with a very small dose or you suffer from severe overwhelming thoughts, you may not notice effects until you’ve built up the dosage over several days.

For those with occasional overwhelming thoughts or situational overwhelming thoughts, CBD can be effective on an “as needed” basis. If you suffer from chronic overwhelming thoughts, a daily dosage of CBD may offer the best potential for relief.

What Types of overwhelming thoughts Can CBD Oil Help?

“overwhelming thoughts” is a catch-all phrase for a cadre of emotional states and disorders. CBD oil can help alleviate many symptoms associated with mental health issues. Cannabidiol oil is not psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t affect the mind. But it may confer some health benefits to those suffering emotional and mental difficulties.

overwhelming thoughts is an emotional state marked by internal turmoil usually accompanied by overthinking and nervous behavior. It can range from a mild state of “jitters” to an overwhelming feeling of dread. 

The major benefits of CBD lie in its anti-overwhelming thoughts effects. It can help in the management of and decreasing symptoms of generalized overwhelming thoughts disorders, and can also improve an individual’s ability to conquer social anxieties that prevent public interactions with others.

Aside from CBD we practice breath work and different techniques to help slow the mind and help one become more present. We have mentioned before the benefits of the Wim Hof method but here they are again. This is one we really believe in and practice daily.

Breathing and mindfulness

Health is an every day choice. It starts with a positive mindset and waking up with gratitude. The exercise is three sets of 30 deep breath’s followed by a long breath home in which some people can reach over three minutes! By over oxygenating your body, specifically the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus, you are hacking your bodies response to stress and increasing your immune responses.

Studies have shown that this breathing method in fact does fight off viruses better than without it.

Wim Hof

Influencing the Immune System | Wim Hof Method Science


Convinced now?

Here is a link to the guided 15 min breathing exercise! 

Find a comfortable place to lay down and get to breathing!

A combination of light exercise, meditation, and CBD can be the key to managing a healthy mindset keeping you ready for anything the day throws at you!

We hope you can find some relief with Inflamade® products - try Restore, a super versatile dropper designed to help you however you need. Try 1/4 to 1/2 dropper full at a time for stress and overwhelming thoughts management! 

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